Ariel Nomad Jesse Kenealy Ariel Nomad Jesse Kenealy

Getting Out of a Tough Spot...

The enjoyment and freedom of off-roading your Ariel Nomad is often overshadowed by the realization you're miles away from civilization and AAA doesn't service fire roads, forest trails, or sandy dunes...


Enter the new Hi-Lift jack option for the Ariel Nomad. Anyone who has been hardcore off-roading knows that your rig is not fully prepped without an Hi-Lift jack and its seemingly endless uses are outlined here.

Ariel Nomad Hi-Lift Jack Usage and Procedure

*Follow all safety procedures listed in the Hi-Lift manual*

1: Ensure you're in a safe location and locate jack on rear bumper of an equipped Ariel Nomad:

1: Ensure you're in a safe location and locate jack on rear bumper of an equipped Ariel Nomad:

2: Chock tires and insure car will not roll in any direction when vehicle is lifted:

2: Chock tires and insure car will not roll in any direction when vehicle is lifted:

3: Remove hold downs and remove jack.

3: Remove hold downs and remove jack.

3: Using an appropriate jacking location (front and rear bumpers work best) raise vehicle.

3: Using an appropriate jacking location (front and rear bumpers work best) raise vehicle.

4: Perform repair and reverse instructions to get back to having fun with your Ariel Nomad.

4: Perform repair and reverse instructions to get back to having fun with your Ariel Nomad.

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Ariel Nomad Jesse Kenealy Ariel Nomad Jesse Kenealy

2017 Ariel Nomad Tactical - Basalt "Battleship" Grey Chassis and Body Panels

This Ariel Nomad build is a particular favorite of ours due to its "Battle Ready" appearance. The owner didn't hold back on options when spec'ing the car out and the result is absolutely stunning. Equipped with most notably the Ohlins Dampers (with their distinctive gold/yellow finish standing out as being the only color on the car) and Supercharger option - the owner is going to have a blast running the Fire/Dirt Roads that surround his mountain home. Check out the pictures below and contact us to get started on your build!

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